Visual editor for MonoDevelop

Entify provides visual desginer integrated right into MonoDevelop IDE. MonoDevelop is a de facto tool when developing for Mono and that's why Entify integrates into it so tightly. With Entify add-in you can add Entity Set item to your existing mono project and start using Entify right away.

Define entity properties

Each entity has properties. Let's for example say that we have a Customer entity. This entity could have properties like Firstname, Lastname and CustomerNumber. With the visual designer, you can edit these entity properties without writing a single line of code.

Developer can also define property to be unique. In that case, any two entities cannot have the same value on that property. Properties can be also set to be indexed. Index makes entity requests faster, when property is used as a search field.

Define relations between entities

Entities can have relations between each other. These relations can be created and defined with the visual designer. Relations can be to-many, which allows entity to relate to multiple entities.

Set validation rules

Each property can have validation rules attached to it. Available validation rules depend on property type. Setting rules is easy from the visual designer and for more advanced needs developer can define his own validation rules as custom validation methods.

MonoDevelop add-in
Lovable API
Entity validation
Thread safe
Flexible query mechanism